• Founded as an International Trade Company
  • Eksun Factory Commenced Operations
  • İltek Enerji Founded for Renewable Energy Production
  • Altınapa Factory Acquired
  • Sinangil Brand Acquired
  • Licenses Obtained for 8 Wind Power Plantation Projects
  • 63 MW Uzundere-1 Hydroelectric Power Project Commissioned
  • 45 MW Susurluk WPP Project Commissioned
  • 40 MW Killik WPP Project Commissioned
  • 40 MW Kayadüzü Wind Power Plantation Project Commissioned
  • Dicle Elektrik Acquired through Privatization
  • 15 MW Susurluk WPP Ext-1 Project Commissioned
  • DEPSAŞ Enerji A.Ş. Founded
  • 50 MW Hasanbeyli WPP Project was comissioned
  • 45 MW Silivri WPP Project was commisioned
  • Second line was put into operation at the Eksun factory, and daily production was increased to 700 tons
  • 21 MW Seferihisar WPP Project was commisioned
  • 50 MW Kelvachuri HEPP Project was commisioned
  • 12.5 MW Susurluk WPP Ext-2 was put into operation
  • 49 MW Killik WPP Ext-1 Project was commisioned
  • 42 MW Kayadüzü RES Project was commisioned
  • 50 MW Kırnati HEPP Project was commisioned
  • 15 MW Silivri WPP Ext-1 Project was commisioned
  • 28.8 MW Ovacık HPP Project was commisioned
  • Eksim Ventures was established and made its first investment in Yolcu 360
  • Aslı Börek aquisition was completed
  • 50 MW Gevye WPP Project was commisioned
  • 260 MW capacity rights were won in the YEKA WPP competition
  • 150 MW capacity right was won in the YEKA SPP-4 competition
  • 80 MW additional wind capacity and 30 MW hybrid solar power plant capacity were obtained
  • Eksun Gıda went public. Eksun Gıda shares started to be traded on Borsa İstanbul Yıldız Market
  • Sinangil, Türkiye`s most preferred flour brand, is 60 years old
  • In the 10th year of its privatization, Dicle Elektrik`s investments in the region exceeded 30 billion TL
  • DEPSAŞ Enerji took over the GAP Youth Sports Club, which has 1,600 registered athletes
  • Electric charging station OtoPriz was installed
  • Two WPP projects with a capacity 50 MW each, with a total capacity of 100 MW, were allocated in Georgia
  • Eksim Enerji WPP capacity in Georgia reached 250 MW
  • Since its establishment, Eksim Ventures has invested in 10 ventures, and has 8 venture capital investment funds as an LP